Getting Started

Most of Rize APIs are chainable and all the operations will be executed in the order of you called.

Now let me show you an example to visit GitHub to search something and save a screenshot.

To make us see what happened, we can pass headless: false flag to Rize.

const rize = new Rize({ headless: false })

As we know, in puppeteer, after you launched the browser, you must new a page. However, in Rize, you don't need to do that.

So we just visit ""


Now we want to search "node", so we can type "node" to the search box. The selector of the search box is input.header-search-input.

rize.type('input.header-search-input', 'node')

Don't forget most of Rize APIs are chain able, so we can make it elegant:

  .type('input.header-search-input', 'node')

Press Enter to submit the search query:

  .type('input.header-search-input', 'node')

Well, we can submit to search now. However once you submitted the current page will be navigated to the result page. We must wait for the navigation:

  .type('input.header-search-input', 'node')

Let's go ahead and save a screenshot:

  .type('input.header-search-input', 'node')

If all worked well, you should find a screenshot file in current directory.

Now are everything done? Not really. Don't forget to exit the browser:

  .type('input.header-search-input', 'node')

That's all! For more advanced usage, please read other sections of this documentation.