Why is it called "Rize"?

"Rize" is a character in Is the Order a Rabbit?.

Her full name is "Rize Tedeza" and written "リゼ" in Japanese.

So "Rize" is pronounced like /ɾize/, not /raɪzɪ/.

Why do you want to create this library?

Puppeteer has done a great job to control Chromium/Chrome and we can use puppeteer for web crawling, automated test and etc. However, the code for using puppeteer doesn't seem to be elegant and simple.

Here is an example for using puppeteer directly:

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')
void (async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch()
  const page = await browser.newPage()
  await page.goto('https://github.com')
  await page.screenshot({ path: 'github.png' })
  await browser.close()

As you can see, most puppeteer's operations are asynchronous. So we must use ES2017 syntax async/await. (How about using Promise? Maybe the code will be unreadable!)

This is just a tiny example. If we have a large project, there will be many await keyword.

That is the reason why I want to create this library. Greatly inspired by jQuery and Laravel Dusk.

Now let me show you an example for using Rize:

const Rize = require('rize')
const rize = new Rize()

No more redundant code and keep elegant!

Additionally, this library provides some useful assertions for testing, such as assertUrlIs.

Can I still visit the puppeteer's browser instance and call puppeteer's API?

Absolutely you can!

Rize won't prevent you visit puppeteer's all available methods. What you need to do is use the browser or page property on Rize instance:

const Rize = require('rize')
const rize = new Rize()
rize.browser  // This is equivalent to puppeteer.Browser
rize.page     // This is equivalent to puppeteer.Page

Can I integrated it with some testing framework (such as Jest, mocha...)?

You can use any testing framework you like.

For Jest users

Jest is recommended to be used. You don't need to configure anything.

For Mocha users

You don't need to configure anything.

However, because of the limitations of Mocha, you can't use done callback and async/await at the same time.

So you should do it like this:

describe('some tests', () => {
  it('a test', async () => {
    const rize = new Rize()
    // do some stuff ...
    await rize.end()

The example below is invalid:

describe('some tests', () => {
  it('a test', async done => {
    const rize = new Rize()
    // do some stuff ...

For AVA users

You should set failWithoutAssertions to be false in package.json.